Things Ao3 writers know that readers might not!

If you edit your comment, the author will get an email for each edit.

If you edit your comment six times, we get six emails 😂
Bookmark tags are public and we can see them.

It’s often a place that people think is more private than it is. If you post something critical there, it’s likely the author will see it.
Idk about other writers but I particularly love boomark notes if they’re lovely. Something about them always makes me smile.
We love it when you comment meaningless keysmash jargon (“aksjdjsnsifijdjsj”)

There is no nice comment that will annoy us. Seriously, we’re desperate.
We can’t see WHO is subscribed to our fics specifically, just the overall number.

If there’s something you like reading but you’re embarrassed to leave a kudos or a comment, you can subscribe and we won’t know.
If you want to make a writer’s day, comment a line you particularly liked. It’s so validating to hear someone connected with something you made.
Many people prefer to read only complete fics, but if there’s an author you love and trust, taking a shot on a WIP is a wonderful way to support them.

Works in progress are when (I think) most authors need encouragement.
Leaving kudos is maybe the most “useful” way to help an author, since many people sort by kudos count when they’re looking for fic.

We’ll keep writing either way, but it’s great manners to kudos any fic you read and liked even a little (tho ofc it’s up to you!)
You can follow @ViWiWrites.
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