Governor Brian Kemp’s decision to reopen Georgia is an act of war against all Georgians, especially Southwest Georgians who are predominantly Black. Some of us are fighting COVID-19. Kemp is waging a war against Georgians. This is not hyperbole. This is based on data. 1/7
When I studied @nytimes county data this morning, I found that 5 of the top 10 counties with the highest per capita death rates in the U.S. are in Georgia. Black people are the largest racial group in all five of these counties in Southwest Georgia (and 7 of the 10 counties). 2/7
County (State). Deaths per 100,000 people. County’s largest racial group.

1. Randolph (GA). 240. 61.5% Black
2. Terrell (GA). 203. 60.4% Black
3. St. John the Baptist. 131. 57.8% Black
4. Nassau (NY). 130. 59.3% White
5. NYC. 126. 32.1% White

County (State). Deaths per 100,000 people. County’s largest racial group.

6. Toole (MT). 121. 86.2% White
7. Dougherty (GA). 116. 70.9% Black
8. Early (GA). 116. 51.4% Black
9. Essex (NJ). 107. 41.9% Black
10. Mitchell (GA). 103. 48.1% Black

Kemp’s attack on Georgians, especially Southwest Georgians, is personal to me. My mother is a Georgia native. My partner is from Dougherty County in Southwest Georgia. Doughterty is surrounded by Randolph, Terrell, Early, and Mitchell Counties. 5/7
Healthcare is lacking there. Our awareness of their suffering is lacking. It is not like the nation’s other major outbreak zone—my hometown of New York City—where there are so many hospitals, doctors, media outlets, and reporters to fight and expose the fight. 6/7
Southwest Georgians have been suffering in the shadows. And how many more people will suffer because of Kemp’s warlike decision? Policies kill. And racist policies have always killed Black people in the shadows as America looked away. 7/7
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