1/ Heard this really interesting take from @morganhousel on how the modern culture's obsession with sports is actually a non-violent replacement of wars. 👇

for most of human history, your position in the status hierarchy was determined by the clan you belonged to,
2/ wars won, and heads slain.

It's only the last century or two that wars have diminished relatively. Which is a very tiny time period when compared with our ~ 200,000 year existence.

So we created a few proxies to signal our position in the pecking order.
3/ Turns out which football team you support is one of them.

it's a replacement for my team vs your team. we battle it out in a relatively non-violent way and the winner gets to boast about it with their group the next day. feeling all superior about it.
4/ when you support a team, you associate yourself as a member of that 'tribe'. you call it "your" team and feel as if you're personally going to battle with the opposing team.

Pretty interesting.
5/ There are many other wonderful discussions in this podcast episode with @jposhaughnessy on 'Psychology of Money', which is less about investing but more about life in general.

Must listen! https://twitter.com/jposhaughnessy/status/1253300035288252416?s=20
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