Decided to do a 14 day screenplay challenge.

From logline to 90 pages in 14 days.

This will be challenging for me as it will force me to just write and NOT story edit! (Something I’ll start on day 15).

We need to give ourselves permission to just express with reckless abandon
Okay DAY 1: I wrote the logline! That’s all that was required and I did it!!!
DAY 2: I wrote a 7 page vomit outline.

A quick A-Z hitting the basic plot points in each act... including 2 possible endings! Yes it’s a horror movie.

I also wrote character bios for my two leads.

Quick side note... looks like I’ll be documenting my #14DayScreenwritingChallenge in this thread !

You can follow @mch2k.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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