On my first day, in my first lesson at secondary school, the first thing I was told was ‘Geography’ derived from the Greek words for Earth and Study.

I wrote it in my exercise book.

I was given a detention for not listening….
…apparently I should have written it in my GNB (General Note Book).

I had no idea what was going on or why I was being punished for the teacher’s lack of ability to explain things clearly…
… today, of course, I realise that ‘graphy’ derives from words meaning ‘writing’. So actually, even that explanation was incorrect

Every day at school was like that.

Petty nonsense rules, imposed by people who I’m sure were well meaning but treated us like cadets...
…we were there to be disciplined and to play the game. Learning came second to conformity.

I really didn’t enjoy school.

I hope schools are better than that now.
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