(1/?) On this NFL Draft day - here are the #Chiefs in the Pro Football Hall of Fame and where they were drafted by round and (overall)

* Bobby Bell - 2 (16) NFL, 7 (56) AFL
* Buck Buchanan - 19 (265) NFL, 1 (1) AFL
* Len Dawson - 1 (5) - Steelers
* Willie Lanier - 2 (50)
* Jan Stenerud - 3 (50)
* Derrick Thomas - 1 (4)
* Emmitt Thomas - undrafted
* Curley Culp - 2 (31)
* Will Shields - 3 (74)
* Tony Gonzalez - 1 (13)
* Johnny Robinson - 1 (3) NFL, 1 (unknown) AFL

(End thread) #Chiefs
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