WARNING: The following thread is HIGHLY speculative, but the connections are too wild NOT to share:
Was Azaria Chamberlain ( Dingo ate my baby) Ritually sacrificed by Marina Abramovic and Ulay?
Azaria Chamberlain disappeared at 2 months of age in August 1980 during a family camping trip in Ayers Rock, Northern territory of Australia (who takes a 2 month old camping)?
At the time of her disappearance, Azaria was known to have been wearing a black and red dress, which her mother claims was actually meant for her son (that's not strange at all)
Guess who just so happened to be in Ayers Rock in 1980 for a new art installation? You guessed it.
Marina and Ulay spent a full year in Ayers Rock for their art piece titled "Night Sea Crossing"
The art project, consists of Marina and Ulay sitting across from each other, for 7 hours straight, with and Aboriginal boomerang in the middle of the table. Guess the color scheme of this "art" project. Red and Black, just like Azarias dress
Again, this is HIGHLY speculative, but also HIGHLY suspicious, knowing what we now know about Marina.

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