This prolly won’t get any attention but this is a thread of this tiktoker being racist, body shaming women, and homophobic and generally a horrible person (exposing tiktoker)
Him if typing the n word not only once, j have another ss of it but this was me and his convo when we where kinda friends
Another ss of him saying the n word
Body shaming one of his fans
Pictures taken directly from his account of him telling a girl she is flat because she was correcting him. He is also CONSTANTLY rude and disrespectful to his fans
Another instant of being extremely rude to people
Idk if this rlly counts but in my eyes this was rude. Also on his story he has been very transphobic and homophobic but I do not have ss of it
Those are all the ss that I have but i rlly do hope this gets attention before he really blows up. I’ve been friends with him and I can tell you he made me feel like shit and on top of that was extremely racist, homophobic, transphobic, and body shamed many women.
He’s extremely narcissistic and has a lot of fan girls and I’m too scared to post this on tiktok but I feel like I can explain a lot more here. I have a friend to who also dealt with him and can back me up if needed. I don’t think he’ll even get cancelled since he’s “attractive”
But please take the time to read this and understand who these people really are and how bad they are. He should not have as much support as he does and I’m begging anyone to stop supporting him if you do.
#tiktok #tiktokexposed #tiktokboys #expose >idk how to get attention to this thread but ignore this
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