Let's talk about the #OpenAmericaprotestors and the messaging of let the weak die for a bit. Firstly, this is a very small subset of our population and therefore more extreme. They are the fringe and in reality we should stop amplifying them
They are being recruited and radicalized from the usual sources and like the good sheep that they are, are fired up and in lock step with what some rando on the internet is spoon feeding them
Lots of GOP funding behind this movement and it is micro targeted to the usual white grievance lot: pro 2a, anti gov, anti immigration, pro military and other groups.
There is also, as to be expected a big push by Russia here as well. They will take advantage of any opportunity to drive a wedge. Don't amplify them.
Look at the crowds, they are a sea of white. Angry whites adorned in their red white and blue, in their military fatigues, etc. Claiming to be better patriots by putting the economy ahead of little asthmatic Billy and grandpa Jim.
You see real patriots will sacrifice the weak, to I guess protect the greater good, because economic hardship and a recession are far worse than other people's loved ones drowning in their own blood. My how brave they are to sacrifice others
This message of killing off the inferior, the weak, the sick, is nothing new. A very charismatic leader in Germany in the 40's was a huge proponent of it, we also had a big eugenics movement here as well.
I just want everyone to stop and think about what the real messaging is here. Who gets to choose whose life is valuable and whose is not and why.
You'll hear, well, 75% had pre-existing conditions, what they don't get is that operational def is pretty large and a large swath of Americans fall into that category. We are talking about folks with high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, people who may be overweight...
These folks are willing to kill all y'all off to save the economy. I want you to remember that. Look at who in your friend page/feed is willing to put you and your families at risk. These are not political differences, this is an issue of morality.
These all lives matter, blue lives matter mother fuckers cave after a few weeks in quarantine and are ready to load y'all up in the train cars and send you or your loved ones off. Their hypocrisy should be called out.
They should be ridiculed and we should never again give a bit of credence to their BS as it will ebb and flow to fit whatever agenda they may have at the moment. These are the faces of people that we cannot trust. These are the enemy that lurk within our borders.
These are the folks that have proven time and time again they will turn on their fellow Americans while draped in a flag claiming to be the true patriots.
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