For those of you who haven't heard B&N is only paying 1/3 of what is owed on ebook sales at present, saying they'll get the rest to us soon. For those of us who distributed there via D2D, D2D is having integrity and taking out a loan to cover the other 2/3rds.

D2D is asking us to put our faith in B&N and continue to distribute with them as if their name somehow protects them from being every other publisher or distributor that swears they'll pay soon.
My and Erin's track record on that is Torquere, All Romance, Dreamspinner... and each debacle taught us to assume the worst and get out early. It is ridiculous as entrepreneurs that we have to keep doing this over and over again.
(At least no one will try to fake their own death and/or tell us their biphobic acquisition strategies are important in the battle for queer rights this time)
We are, honestly, pandemic swamped right now with 2-3 new books in production while being the chief tacticians for our households in the hardest hit state in the U.S. So we haven't actually made a decision yet about our ongoing distribution plans with B&N yet.
However, you should assume that if the ship doesn't get righted before we have time to deal with this, that this is an issue of when we pull our books not if.
We will continue to distribute wide so that you have choices in addition to Amazon; we think that's important.
But authors shouldn't be having to deal with this. Nor, frankly, should D2D have to deal with this. And we don't, on principle, keep financial secrets for publishing industry companies that refuse to meet their obligations.
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