The purpose of Q is to unite humanity under 1 global leader, & to disregard all religious differences to ease the transition into 1 global tent.
The purpose of Francis is to unite humanity under 1 global religion, & to homogenize all religious differences to ease the transition into one global tent.
Both False Prophets support the same system, through they’re pretending to be at odds.
Bergoglio’s job is to be openly and notoriously liberal, globalist, and communist, thereby pushing anybody who knows Christ away from the Church, & luring the enemies of the Church into the ape false Church that he leads, with the help of our buildings making it look legitimate.
Q’s job is to take advantage of the fact that no Christian leaders are behaving like Christians, & recruit all of the sheep who are desperately seeking answers & a shepherd, to worship a man who will lie so well that many will believe he’s a good Christian man who cares for them.
Corral the sheep.

Embolden the wolves.

Confuse the masses.

Turn as many sheep into wolves as possible.

Lead the ones who won’t to slaughter.
People reading the top tweet thinking I’m promoting this Revelation 13 nonsense 🤣
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