Oh hell yeah let’s do this
Nothing worse than being led to perdition (accidentally making a waiter spill hot soup)
fellas, when you kiss her and she leave the room like a marionette
My dude Condorman negging to kino
So the Condorman gimmick is that he’s a comic book artist who dresses up as his hero to prove that his comics are realistic, sort of like Dave Sim, but most of his adventures just involve fancy Bond ripoff vehicles instead
The evil Russian spy has a glass eye and really wants to make sure you noticed
The real intrigue of Condorman is the main character trying to get rid of that G rating
Whitman / Gold Key was notorious for doing licensed series that only lasted a few issues. By 1981 when this third and final CONDORMAN was published they’d abandoned newsstand distribution entirely, exclusively selling in plastic-bagged three-packs at drugstores and toy stores
Another famous Gold Key trick was to make the first issue or two a direct adaptation of the source material to placate the license holders and then fuck around afterwards when they stopped paying attention
My girl Zilka getting that glow up but keeping it G with no actual cleavage
When only a boing noose can calm a horse
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