Policymakers must center the needs of women, particularly women of color, in the next #COVID19 response and beyond.

The health & economy of our nation depend on it.

Our new reports outline the policies necessary for an effective response to this crisis: https://tinyurl.com/y78rg72q 
Many women of color work in jobs on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis & in many industries impacted by unemployment claims, which top more than 26 million in the last 5 weeks.

Women are 80% of workers in the healthcare industry & women of color make up 30% of those workers.
Moreover, as the pandemic worsens an already inadequate healthcare system, women - esp. women of color, rural women, & low-income women, will face even more barriers to accessing care for their unique health needs.
The #COVID19 pandemic has also revealed how the U.S. healthcare system fails women in these ways:

❌Insufficient health insurance coverage
❌ Reproductive health services are not integrated into the healthcare system due to stigma
❌Underfunded and inaccessible providers
Long-standing structural inequities like systemic racism, sexism, and a devaluation of women & women of color’s labor and unique health needs have created a landscape where women and their families are disproportionately impacted by the #COVID19 pandemic.
Interventions for #COVID19 must include:
✔️Medicaid expansion, accessible birth control & abortion services, full range of birthing options, unbiased care

✔️ #PaidLeaveforAll, emergency childcare, housing, enforcement of worker protections, comprehensive data on #COVID19 & more
You can follow @CAPWomen.
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