What's the Current Narrative of the MSM?
What's the "Left" Pushing this time?
What does Congress want to Pass? Why?
What are they holding up and Pushing?
Why do they not want Voter ID?
How "Clean" are the Voting Rolls in your State?
How much fraud has Judicial Watch ( Tom Fitton) Discovered?
Is it more than Just FISA?
What is stopping Judicial Watch from Continuing?
What is being uncovered?
The Good News
How Many CEO's have resigned in the past 18-24 Months?
How many new Federal Judges have been Appointed?
Who now owns the Fed?
What has all been De-funded or Renegotiated? Why?
Has the MSM reported on that? WHY?
Who controls the Narrative?
How often does the MSM Narrative change?
Do local and MSM stories all seem the same? Why?
What events do the MSM cover? is coverage one sided?
Corruption? Arrests? GOP or DEM?
How many stories are there about Human/ Child Trafficking?
Information is Key
The Narrative is now YOURS
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Where We Go One We Go All
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