Similar to the deaths of expertise, truth, and the “news”, comedy has fallen victim to politicization/tribalization. Comedy has historically existed as uniquely-observed social commentary that used humor to make it more easily digestible....even while exposing injustice... 1/
Often the comedy had a sociological/political slant (Carlin, Rock), but usually the politics was peripheral to, and existed to serve or support the comedy.

But as we have seen with Dennis Miller….and this parallels the entire Fox news programming…2/
….the business model has evolved to the point where the objective now appears to be to start with an ideological conclusion/agenda, and then work backwards to manufacture a comedic or “news” narrative that supports and perpetuates that ideological conclusion/agenda. 3/
The byproduct of this FoxNews/ Right Wing Media business model?: Comedy that is not funny….and "news" is not news.

To understand this better, it's important to understand the bastardization of humor in the political climate, as seen through the lens of Trump's narcissism. 4/
There is no better example of the bastardization of comedy than the image of Trump getting "roasted" by Obama at the White House correspondents dinner. You could literally see steam coming off of Trump as he stewed over being the butt of Obama's jokes. 5/
Larry King has spoken about the fact that Trump has zero sense of humor. Viewed through the lens of narcissism....the inability to laugh at oneself due to it triggering their sense of inadequacy, and the need to overcompensatingly project an era of perfection and grandiosity,…6/
...Trump....and similarly transactionally-exploitive personalities (Hannity/Ingraham) not view humor as an entity that exists to enhance the human experience through positive emotional connection…7/
Instead, Trump views "humor" (like most things) in binary terms of “winning” or losing....with humor being a weapon in the arsenal used to "win". Essentially, humor has been weaponized as means for which Trump can ridicule or humiliate other people. 8/
People laugh, but it's not b/c something was humorous/funny, they laugh b/c they inhumanely/obligatorily (loyalty to Trump) use laughter as a means to amplify the damage/trauma inflicted by a humiliating/ridiculing statement that masquerades as humor. 9/
Since Trump is incapable of empathy, he interprets laughter as positive reinforcement for being a “funny” guy.

He’s not.

Trump is an inhumane sociopath who, similar to racism, uses cruelty as a currency to purchase narcissistic supply from sycophants.
We’ve seen Trump repeatedly humiliate, ridicule, and demean people with cruel nicknames and comments about their appearance. Notably, his jokes about Adam Schiff, and even about the recently deceased congressman John Dingell going to hell. 11/
And most recently we saw Trump mock the fact that Mitt Romney and his wife were believed to have potentially contracted Corona virus. 12/
This entire dynamic is yet another example of “Trickle-Down Pathology”…..13
…where adherence to norms/social acceptability/humanity have been dispensed, and the behavior has not only been normalized/accepted, but it has been embraced/amplified/rebroadcast: Owning the libs has been become the GOP's primary political objective. 14/
Bringing this back to Dennis Miller/comedy, I’ve previously written about the effect that polarization/demonization has had on public figures, where the politics have essentially become peripheral proxies in their personal war w/their critics/”enemies”. 15/
This is what we have seen with Dennis Miller:

The comedy no longer exists for comedy’s sake, b/c similar to Trump's pathological perversion of humor, Miller's “comedy” has now become a weaponized delivery vehicle that dispenses a payload of humiliation, ridicule, cruelty.

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