So my mom (high risk) works at a credit card call center. She’s been “working from home” from my house because she can’t get good enough internet at hers. Now I worked a call center before, and I have my own horror stories, but she’s been going through hell with Covid lately. 1/
She tells us about people calling in to try to skip payments and having to wait for them to put oxygen masks back on and take a few breaths so they can keep talking. Only to have to tell them no because their credit score doesn’t meet the company requirements. 2/
About having people cry on the phone because they are lonely and scared. Or because they are in hospital with Covid and worried about paying their bills and nobody to help them. Or they don’t think they’re going to make it and are getting info. 3/
And some people are yelling at her. Telling her she sucks because she still has a job. Telling her she’s cheating them and she needs to help them and stop being a bitch. Blaming her for the company’s regulations. 4/
Some people won’t get off the phone because they just need to TALK to someone. Because they are so scared. So lonely. They don’t know what to do. Some lie. Some cry. Some scream. 5/
My mom has to put herself on busy and cry at least once a day. She tries not to let me see or hear it, but she tells me about it. She comes out of the room red-eyed and pressing her chest. 6/
There are 11 people in her building that can’t work from home. Those 11 got $500 bonuses for April for staying at work. They are set for at least a $250 bonus for May. My mom had to buy a $400 laptop to work from home. 7/
One of her co-workers had to start seeing a counselor because of the things she’s dealing with on calls lately. She can’t take it anymore. The sound of callers struggling for breath, begging when there’s nothing she can do for them. 8/
Everyone that calls. EVERYONE talks about Covid. My mom can’t get away from it. The death tolls from all around the nation. People sick with it and telling her how they feel. People being assholes about how they can’t do what they want. 9/
40+ hours a week, mom is being a punching bag for frustrated and scared people. And she has to be nice to them, or she loses her job. She can’t hang up. Sometimes people are on the phone for an hour. Just venting. 10/
So please... remember when you call a center like that, it’s a weary person on the other end of the line. It’s not their fault. They are scared too, and you don’t know how many times they’ve already cried that day. Be kind. Please be kind. 11/
My mom isn’t a counselor, but she listens anyway. Acknowledge that. She didn’t screw you over, and wishes so much she could help you. Remember that. Please be kind. 12/12
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