(1 of 7) Some 80 percent of the masks the Czech Republic purchased from China for around $600,000 are defective. Chinese rapid-testing kits sold to Spain had only 30 percent sensitivity, as opposed to the 80 percent level expected.
(2 of 7) The Netherlands has since recalled 600,000 defective masks it purchased from China. Turkey recently rejected an unknown number of Chinese testing kits after they yielded inaccurate results.
(3 of 7) Georgia suspended its agreement with a Chinese company after receiving 1,000 substandard rapid-testing kits. Similar failures are evident even in Beijing’s gifts. China donated 100K test kits to the Philippines, … soon after discarded those that were only 40% accurate.
(4 of 7) The world may welcome China’s masks and tests, but reports of their failure will certainly not prevent leaders of already China-skeptical countries from seeking accountability for the CCP’s exacerbation of this catastrophe.
(5 of 7) This crisis could even prompt some to reconsider their Chinese alliances. Indeed, the CCP cannot even tamp down domestic fury; its diplomatic efforts will certainly not instill global acceptance of a “Made in China” world now.
(6 of 7) “China started this crisis. But now, they are selling medical equipment, testing kits, masks and emerging as some sort of heroes that will save us all. China is selling.”
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