WHITE MINIMAL ART: it's so much more than meets the eye.

White paintings came up in the art movement of minimalism in the late 1950's. Famous painters such as Kasimir Milevich, Agness Martin, Jo Baer and Josef Albers have explore the world of white minimal paintings.
There is a lot of controversy around white paintings, but there is a lot more than meets the eye. White isn't a pure thing, there are so much different undertones possible in white. It could be more green, blue, pink and go on.
There is mostly a lot going on there, besides undertones in colour there is also line, texture, patterns and yes even colour.

There are a lot of details that make it so much more than just a white canvas.
Minimalism has an objection against abtract expressionism or gestural art like for example Pollock. They wanted order, simplicity and harmony, so they wanted to get away from that gestural art. They wanted art that was as far removed from the artist.
Minimal art is about something else, its not about reality, its something on itself.

'what you see is what you see'

You have to do a lot more to understand minimal art at that sets people of. But sometimes it may be more rewarding, if you stand open for something new.
'I could do that' it something you hear a lot with this type of art but
1. you didnt do it
2. you probably couldnt do it.

It's more about the idea of the art, not the skill.
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