A distressing part of homeschooling has been being forced to install Chrome on my son’s laptop because Firefox and Safari are not supported by Google Classroom which we are forced to switch to because Zoom is banned. So the lesson for today kids is we are just serfs for da Goog.
Morning’s read-along is now 10 minutes delayed as several kids and parents struggle with Google which is much more difficult to use compared to Zoom. Yay monopoly.
In between thoughtful questions on Charlottes’s Web the teachers gripe to each other about how much more difficult it is to manage the controls for Google Classroom compared to Zoom. But surrendering to one company is how we fix things, right?
First graders enduring our failed anti-trust and data rights policy enforcement in the middle of quarantine. You hate to see it.
A key reason Zoom succeeded in the enterprise market and surged in the consumer market through unexpected adoption during the pandemic is that Google’s videochat UX is frustratingly inferior. It’s always been striking to me how bad it is compared to almost every other offering.
Videochat is an exhausting and saddening practice, but to observe first-graders soldier on through this as if this is the best we can offer, corporate tools built for grown-ups to share quarterly earnings and brainstorm marketing plans. https://onezero.medium.com/the-problem-isnt-zoom-fatigue-it-s-mourning-life-as-we-knew-it-5651bf9053a6 via @EvanSelinger
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