Okay... although this isn't to put this specific person (a child) on blast, and I've talked to them about this behavior and they understand and have apologised: but as a cancer survivor (stage 4), I've had this conversation so many times.

Please stop doing this. (thread)
I'm 20. When I was diagnosed, I had only just turned 17. I had six tumours throughout my body, the largest of which was the size of a small melon. I was close to dying.

I was told I needed to have six chemotherapies, then radiotherapy. It was later upped to fifteen doses of +
chemo (six directly into my spine) because of the location of one of my tumours.

Immediately, I had people messaging. "Stop eating sugar!", "diet plans are better than chemo!" etc. It was all in good faith, and out of care and consideration. They cared about me.
The problem is, if I had taken that advice - I absolutely would have died, likely within two weeks.

I was also made to feel guilty for choosing chemo/radio over their advice of 'natural' alternatives.

Someone told me that it would be my own fault when I developed a second +
form of cancer later in life as a result of the radiation treatment.

"But chemo is so harsh! Why not try something gentle?" I don't NEED gentle. I had a tumour the size of a melon in my chest that burst my lung like a balloon. Gentle wouldn't do shit for me and I WOULD die.
I needed harsh treatment because cancer is a harsh fucking disease.

And here's the thing: chemotherapy and radiotherapy WORK. I was cured - yes, cured, with stage 4 cancer in six places around my body - within less than a year.

I'm lucky. I know not everyone is, and every +
person requires different treatment and some things just don't work.

But people who choose to follow the advice of trained medical professionals, multiple studies, and scientific fact are not in any way lesser than those who choose a natural route.
The issue is that these 'natural' routes are often (not always) more harmful. Based off pseudoscience, sketchy studies and a lack of scientific evidence. People speak out because they care - and nobody is doubting that. I appreciate these people came to me because they care.
But this mindset, especially reaching out to cancer patients - is a problem. Cancer diagnoses leave people extremely vulnerable. We look for alternatives, often times, because we're afraid. Chemo, and cancer, and radiation - it's all scary.
But encouraging vulnerable people to take other routes of care that DO NOT HAVE THE SCIENTIFIC BACKING, and could very well harm them or even kill them - while presenting all this like some kind of miracle cure - is harmful.

Please, reconsider sending messages like this.
Please do the research, and consider the QUALITY of that research. And for the love of God - don't make people feel guilty for going against the advice you're offering.

All we really care about is surviving to hear the word "remission".
Again: I've spoken to this person, offered evidence and advice, and explained that I wasn't angry with them - and explained why maybe they should reconsider. They genuinely meant well (again, they are a literal child) and they just didn't know the information they had was false.
This is just... A really sensitive topic for me. I discovered a website called "Cancer Is A Choice" touting this sort of misinformation when I was first diagnosed and it made me feel AWFUL.
I also want to mention @SciShow, hosted by @hankgreen among others (I don't know @'s!) They do a lot of videos on this sort of thing and talk about the importance of quality research. Anytime information comes out as unreliable, it's rectified. I recommend them to everyone tbh.
Please remember that no matter how much you care or how well intentioned you are: a cancer diagnosis leaves people extremely vulnerable, and that means misinformation is even more dangerous than normal.
And finally, if this thread attracts any kind of attention and I end up with people coming with misinformation or nasty behaviour regarding my situation, I will block you immediately. Nobody has time for that negativity, and especially not me. 🙏
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