Thread: Cockroach Infestation

So I get that cockroach infestations are pretty normal but what happened in my house was straight out of a horror film.
A couple of months ago, we started noticing that there were a lot of cockroaches around my house, frolicking around in pairs,
chilling on the kitchen counter tops or in corners in the bathrooms and whatnot. The first few times we dismissed them as your ordinary home cockroaches, shaid baahir say aagaye hongay. Alas, we were wrong. Every time we’d kill some, there would be even more of the little
assholes roaming around the next day. We began investigating, searching top to bottom to locate the source. Unfortunately, it was me who got to the bottom of it. I was walking past the guests bathroom in my home. That bathroom’s door is always shut because no one uses it.
I noticed half of a cockroaches body stuck underneath the door, with its disgusting little legs wriggling around trying to free itself. With a sinking, dreadful feeling in my stomach, I opened the door and switched on the light.
They were EVERYWHERE. I’m not even exaggerating. EVERYWHERE. At least hundreds of them in one little bathroom, with dozens climbing all over the wall, over the pot and on the floor. The second I opened the door a few ran out and crawled over my feet as they poured in the house.
I still get shivers thinking about it, and it was stressful writing this thread. I can never get the image of a white wall covered with fat cockroaches out of my head. Or the feeling of tens of cockroaches run across my feet.
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