Its so funny to me that ppl will stay listing the negatives of weed yet literally have no problems whatsoever w alc. #changetheconversation #AThread
I feel like I need to provide a lil thread of education to my fellow ppl of the world. Hopefully we come out a little less judgmental.
You literally cannot overdose on weed.. absolutely 0 deaths from weed. If u consume a lot, u get hella high and experience paranoia that is offset by your own inner world. Your body is literally making you aware of ur inner state all at once..
The more pent up and anxiety ridden you are at the given moment of “overdose” the worse ur paranoia.. it brings up underlying aspects not necessarily within the concious mind that some cannot deal with.. OR, alternately, you pass out to a deep sleeep.
Weed is a gateway drug.. yes to those who are within personality to seek for more mental effect/escape and to those who CHOOSE to pursue DIFFERENT hard drugs with their own severe consequences.
Weed makes you lazy... yes if you choose to be lazy.. YOU are in control of urself whether you are aware of it or not. If you choose to run away from ur inner demons, ignore responsibilities, mentally exhaust urself..its not weed darling, its you.
Weed can have you stuck in a constant needing loop.. yes its effects are so desirable in face of an anxiety ridden world. But then again, you can choose to just stop, yeah just like that.. if u rlly have intent to.
Weed offsets schizophrenia.. yes if you within the small percentage of persons who are GENETICALLY predisposed to the mental condition.
Weed is addictive.. addictive to the mind.. a mind that literally seeks tranquility or relaxation or creativity. There is NO outright physical addiction to marijuana.
Weed dont mix with everyone.. ganja is a mind drug.. opens ur mind to heightened senses( taste,smell, sight, touch, hearing) but also allows you to make mental connections not possible before, thus creativity. Compatibility-
- to ganja depends on whether you are a person who can actually get yourself to relax or open to being confronted with aspects of ur unconscious.. believe it or not a lot of people cant.
Not to mention, MYRIADS of health benefits to various diseases, cancer, anxiety, etc. the plant itself can be processed in many ways for usage in a more environmentally friendly context. (Textiles)
This thread’s purpose is not to get ppl to start smoking.. in my opinion, it is a personal choice to use a plant for a desired personal benefit. If you dont mix with it, you simply dont.
For ex, my personal benefit is the opening of my mind, ease of crippling anxiety, and the growth of my character and awareness of myself. It literally depends on ur intentions and how you use it that determines your “heights” and relationship w weed.
The purpose of the thread is to just stay informing persons of a perspective many people dont have a chance to see or comprehend. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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