🇺🇲🇺🇲Fake MAGA🇺🇲🇺🇲
Time to check your followers or ant new followers. I have seen too many fakes infiltrating OUR ranks.

I will not stand for it. I will not have our movement corrupted by imposters. We have all seen this before, now is time to draw the line and police our own.
1) This happened last night, a fake MAGA (picture below) attacked a person training for the Special Olympics. Going through the attackers timeline I discovered over the top threats against Joe biden..as if he could point and say, "see! Im real MAGA!"

Enough of the imposters.
2) These following examples are in case you forgot some of the FAKE MAGA claims we have endured:
4) Fake MAGA Nazi:
5) Fake News Propaganda on real MAGA
6) The mother of all FAKE MAGA attacks:
7) Enough, its time to route these imposters out of our ranks!

But Mondo, how do they get in??

Simple, through the damn MAGA trains that arent vetted!! 😡😡😡
I'm not anti-Trump Trains, but stop blindly taking a conducts word for vouching for these imposters..
8) Please add your own Fake MAGA account or incident here...expose the filth.
9) Remember, this will only get worse as we get closer to November...

Take notes people...
You can follow @mondolopez2.
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