1/4. I've been HIV positive for 30+ years.
For a decade of that it meant I would die.
The world is rallying & showing compassion for people vulnerable with COVID infection.
Another viral epidemic.
And that's the way it should be.
But because HIV is wrapped up in sex & morality-
2/4 ...because of alt-right politics propaganda & fear mongering, peddling of "return to family values", because of religious & cultural indoctrination linked to bum-sex, homo-intimacy, slut-shaming, sex-positivity, Queer love... because of that... (2/4)
3/4 ...me & a generation of others suffered decades of rejection, cruelty, the-opposite-of-rallying, denial by governments, delays on meds & research and shame shame shame like we deserved it or brought it on ourselves.
80s politics, religion & culture did that...
4/4.. it's 2020
A virus is a virus.
Compassion is compassion.
Alt-right still exists and the propaganda is upping its tech game & we're buying it.
Bless the modern queer political movement that is undoing binary & tox-masc thinking.
And bless compassion that is utterly timeless.
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