I've been seeing a lot of posts about students telling their prof about their situation during this pandemic, as well as student/s committing suicide because they just can't take it anymore.

Here's a random reminder to tell you that if a student kills himself/herself because of academic pressure,,,

REMEMBER: That person did not commit suicide, instead, it was murder.
In the movie 3 idiots, after Joy's death, Rancho confronted their head and told him "These engineers are very smart sir, they didn't invent a machine which can measure the pressure on the brain. If they had, we would have come to know that this was not a suicide but a Murder."
"If one student can't tolerate pressure why am I the one responsible? So many pressure will come in life, then every time will you blame others for that? Sir, I'm not blaming you sir, actually I'm blaming the system."
*A scene where Rancho gave them 1 min. to look for a word and said this afterwards* "Everyone sunk in race. What's the use if you come first studying like this? will you improve your knowledge? no only pressure will increase and this is a COLLEGE not a PRESSURE COOKER"
"A lion in the circus also learns to sit on the chair fearing the whip held in his owner's hand but we call such a lion as well trained, not well educated"
I am not saying in this thread that, we should stop learning, because LEARNING DOESN'T STOP. I am saying that we should stop pressuring our students especially during this pandemic. I know that there are still schools who continues the online class, who am I to question
their system if I do not go to that school? But, all I can say is that I hope you prioritize your student's welfare first. PLEASE avoid giving outputs or requirements that requires VIDEO MAKING or other people involved.
It's hard enough to cope up in an online class with so many technical difficulties, students that do not have laptops or stable net. If you want your students to learn, then teach them, but please do not give them tons of work to do and pressure them with deadlines.
I hope we can all just focus on surviving and being with our family while we still can, rather than worrying about our grades.

Duz all,,,, thanks for reading,,,
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