Ministering to us today at #SOSThursday is Pastor Thompson Ehima. Stay connected!
1. There is a life that has to do with raiment and food, this is what is referred to as “your life” in Matt. 6:25. There is also a life more than food and raiment which is referred to as “the life”.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
2. To constantly think of what to eat, drink, wear, and other natural things limits our faith. That is why Jesus refers to people that live like that to have "little faith” (Matt. 6:30).
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
3. God's intention is not for our faith to be little, because little faith translates to little strength which cannot withstand adversity (Prov. 24:10).
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
4. If all we use our faith for is to gain earthly possessions, we remain men of little faith who cannot stand and overcome in the evil day. God wants to raise believers who will stand, withstand, and then overcome the evil day (Eph. 6:11-13).
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
5. We must go beyond standing to withstanding; to withstand comes with warfare, and the only way to fight the good fight is to fight with faith (1Tim. 6:12).
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
6. Strength is measured by how much faith the heart has trapped. Our faith must be built beyond trusting God for carnal things, but much more to acquire glory.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
7. The word of God has different allocations; it is a vast expanse. We must move from one dimension to a higher dimension. As we move higher, we also increase in faith. Increase in faith is an increase in strength
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
8. There is a faith tied to seeing and believing, but God's intention is to move us beyond things we can see and use on earth, into the faith that is in Jesus. God wants us to thrust our faith into the invisible.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
9. There is a faith in Jesus which is the beginning of increased strength to any soul that subscribes to it. No man will be coerced to subscribe to it, all must willingly come to accept it.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
10. The faith in Jesus is not a faith for things visible; Jesus authored and finished this faith (Heb. 12:2). This Faith is what is delivered to the saints to generate a lifestyle (Jude 1:3).
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
11. There is “our faith” which is the faith in the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost (Heb. 12:2). This allocation of faith is given to gradually train a carnal soul to become supernatural.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
12. This faith does not make a soul spiritual, rather it makes it supernatural in order to be positioned to receive spiritual things. Supernatural exploits such as healing can be achieved in this realm of faith, but it does not deal with carnality.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
13. Without the faith that is in Christ, we cannot hold on to the realities of the Godhead. Christ is a storehouse of spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3), but a 'little faith' cannot see into these spiritual things.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
14. We believe in the miraculous and the supernatural as we see miracles in our lives on a daily basis, but these must not be the FOCUS. This is not the spiritual blessing laid up in Christ for us.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
15. The Corinthian church had all the gifts of the spirit in operation but still could not hear spiritual things (1Cor. 3:1). Apostle Paul could not speak to them as unto spiritual because they had not yet become spiritual.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
16. Praying does not make one spiritual. We become spiritual by obeying the laws guarding the spiritual.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
17. The beginning of the workings of the faith in us is to open our inner eyes, the law of faith takes care of enlightening the eyes (Eph. 1:17-19).
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
18. The activity of the Holy Ghost is the operation of wisdom and revelation which opens the eyes of our heart. Sight is not something that one stumbles upon, one must be blessed with sight.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
19. Without the knowledge of Christ, we cannot see the spiritual blessings in Him.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
20. The first allocation of spiritual blessings in Christ is righteousness (Matt. 6:33). The knowledge of Christ reveals the righteousness which is of faith.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
21. We must learn the righteousness which is in Christ in order to receive the promise.
#PstThompson #SOSThursday #EGFM
The second minister for today's #SOSThursday is Pastor Emeka Egwuchukwu @nlwclife.
22. The grace of Christ cannot be at work when Christ is not being taught.
#PstEmeka #SOSThursday #EGFM
23. There is a purpose that God has in Himself, and we need to continue because of this purpose. The need for continuity is paramount so as not to lose sight and strength of what is ahead.
#PstEmeka #SOSThursday #EGFM
24. We cannot cleave to the Lord if we don't understand the purpose in the Heart of God. Ruth saw the purpose of God for Israel and this made her cling to her mother-in-law, Naomi.
#PstEmeka #SOSThursday #EGFM
25. The purpose we have been called to is an eternal purpose which has been in the heart of God.
#PstEmeka #SOSThursday #EGFM
26. Our hearts should continually desire to be conformed to the image of the son of God who is the image of God.
#PstEmeka #SOSThursday #EGFM
27. Man has built support systems and mindsets which hinder him from pursuing the eternal purpose of God. These support systems are places of safety that limits a soul from journeying into God.
#PstEmeka #SOSThursday #EGFM
28. Our faith exploits are results that are capable of making us settle for less than the promise of God. Despite Abraham's faith exploits, he left all and transitioned into the next phase of God's promise for him.
#PstEmeka #SOSThursday #EGFM
29. It is not easy for a soul to transition from faith that can meet needs to faith that can change natures. There is a faith that changes nature and delivers to us what is called "blessing".
#PstEmeka #SOSThursday #EGFM
30. Blessing is not anything of the present such as car, house, spouse and so on. God can give these things, but they are not the true blessing. To be blessed is to have sight.
#PstEmeka #SOSThursday #EGFM
31. "All thing works together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" (Rom. 8:28). It is when one sees this purpose that all things begin to work together for good.
#PstEmeka #SOSThursday #EGFM
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