Could just be me who feels this way and therefore this could read as a load of shite to others but for me, at least, I got heavily involved with the referendum. Post after post indirectly to strangers and directly to friends and family. I researched, presented facts, argued. Lost
I got heavily involved in the election. Post after post indirectly to strangers and directly to friends and family. I researched, presented facts, argued. Lost.
I reflected on that period and decided that it really wasn't worth it. In fact, I deleted my Facebook account because of it. I'd spent too much time and energy becoming embroiled in things which, ultimately, I had no influence over.
This doesn't mean I lost my political opinions. I still have very strong ones, in fact. However, it meant that I stopped thinking I had any control over national or international politics and stopped letting it affect my mental well-being so much.
Throughout the referendum and election, I almost felt jealous of people who had no interest in it. I had friends who didn't read articles every day, know every detail, etc. In fact, some were clueless. They went on with their lives and didn't allow politics to affect them.
With the #NUFCTakeover I doubt you're going to get those people to suddenly decide politics and international relations is for them just because it involves #NUFC and they'll continue to have no interest in it and won't allow it to affect them.
Then you'll have people like me (or maybe it's only me), who've spent the last two years losing political battles and don't have the energy for another. Football is supposed to be the escape from all of that. One day a week to get pissed with the lads and shout and swear all day.
Newcastle voted Remain and Newcastle voted Labour, yet ultimately got neither. Wanting a break from losing at politics doesn't mean I don't care about it or that I'm not aware of it. It just means I'm tired and I want that one day a week to bring excitement, not negativity.
For the first time in a long time, these new owners have the potential to make pre-season, transfer windows and match days exciting again. Isn't that what football is supposed to be? Don't bring politics into it, man. We never voted for it. Howay the lads.
You can follow @Andy83H.
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