A few weeks ago, I was diagnosed with an auto immune disease- it’s not exactly life threatening but serious. And it’s at least put a name to the debilitating conditions that sent me to the operating theatre four times last year.
Two weeks ago, I started immunosuppressive therapy- yes, in the middle of a global pandemic. It’s left me a mass of puke, nausea, dizziness and somehow has amplified my pain.
This morning I felt better than I had in days. I walked in the garden, enjoying the sunshine on my face. I felt better, I told my family. Alhamdulillah. And then it all started again. And here I am trying to distract myself from searing pain by tweeting about it.
So really, let’s just be kind to each other. All of us are going through stuff. Let’s just be kind.
A huge thank you to everyone who’s sent messages of support and love after this thread. I’m stronger for the care of my family, the love of my friends and the support of my team.
You can follow @khadijapatel.
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