cravity as 🇸🇬 students: a thread
disclaimer: been almost a year since i've been in class so... bear with me. was bored & did this for fun!! anyways hope yall have been staying safe & doing your hbl WELL >:[ im watching over yalls
- popular (& smart) sporty boy
- somehow knows everyone in the school
- "huh tmr got test?? since when?"
- aces it anyways
- actually a mugger when it comes to exams
- probably goes up on stage to take the outstanding performance in both academic & non-academic award
- you dont notice him at first
- looks pissed 24/7
- but with his friends he's super smiley and loud
- high achiever in the non-academic aspect; probably has 2 ccas
- goes out to hang at malls with friends after school
- that one classmate your teacher always calls out to answer questions
- and he gets them right all the time
- snacks a lot in class (he's the main guy who shares his snacks)
- sleeps often but doesnt get caught
- very friendly; always says hi
- usually very quiet in class
- you only ever see him play/goof around during pe lessons
- probably a school leader
- the dad in his group of friends
- gets fairly good grades
- stays back with you just to help you finish homework
- loud... very loud
- asks a lot of questions in class
- very smart & a great classmate; everyone wants to work with him for projects
- another achiever in non-academic stuff; always signing up for competitions etc
- edusave award EVERY YEAR
- top student every single time
- probably the most on task
- super nice & always willing to help with work
- "you wanna get bbt? i'll treat"
- has his work used as model answers
- has older brother-best friend vibes
- his portfolio is amazing
- is trying his best & you can tell
- tries not to sleep but still gets called out by teacher
- probably his cca's president & he's very passionate about it
- completes his work but he's struggling
- always knows how to say things that brightens up the mood
- the class joker
- "huh i dont understand please send help"
- just wants to have fun
- that one classmate who uses weird names on kahoot
- actively participating in school events
- his face is on the school's magazine every year
- the good kid who listens in class & actually does his work
- gets confused easily though
- sleepy 24/7
- another one who hangs out with friends at malls after school
- loves his cca A LOT
- doing the best he cano
okay done this was fun! 😋 sg moots tell me who you're most similar to!!!
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