Happy quarantine. Enjoy this completely sincere, unironic DBS manga power-scaling list.

This is not a joke. This is my for-real power-scaling discussion entry. It only happens once in a blue moon.

There's a lot of wiggle room in the "very strong" and "really strong" categories.
There's obviously a lot of space between some characters on the same tier, but this is generally as much as I feel is made clear by the story. I tried to just put divides between levels where it feels like the gist of the story makes a clear jump in placement.
In particular, Freeza and Toppo could possibly both jump a level up, and Moro is kind of a big ???, but sure, Beerus-ish, in that he can handle all lower forms but struggles against a pre-mature Ultra Instinct variant. The rest I feel pretty firm on, within their vague groupings.
Actually, if I specify that "very strong" covers everything from God up to around the original Blue, and then "really strong" is characters who are stronger than the original Blue but not quite up to Completed Blue, then that fits all story beats and no one can argue with me.
So let's do that.

Send this tier list to your friends and relatives and tell them Dragon Ball is solved.
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