I'm open minded to hearing a solid #NeverBiden argument because some people I respect do hold this position. Every #BernieOrBust argument I have engaged with has done the cause more harm than good, I'll explain how, so I would prefer a link (preferably under an hour) to the best-
explanation or debate against #BlueNoMatterWho in 2020.

First, there is pivoting from Biden being too incremental, static, or actually worse than Trump. I grant many people with this position are new to electoral politics, how sausage is made, limiting the fact set to ground it.
Second, and maybe most frustrating, is the strawmen. So many strawmen. I do not need to be lectured on every bad thing a Democrat has done. I will never claim that Democrats are perfect, I don't need to be convinced that they are not. These points have long since made the rounds.
Third and crucially, that I have never seen confronted, is which POTUS places the progressive movement most strategically. The narrative that lesser of two evils voting is causative to Neoliberalism and the party shifting right is presented as a forgone conclusion. Biblical law..
On the path to where we are; yes some voted lesser of two evils, some have voted third party, and most have not voted at all. By that logic, any of these groups could be to blame.

Activism is a given no matter how the election plays out. If Biden a larger impediment to activism-
when Trump has shown his ability to mobilize armed right wingers that may counter protest you with Trump's blessings, I am really curious how Biden would be less receptive to our holding his feet to the fire. Quashing us would embolden him, we have nothing that Trump wants.
And if you are single issue on Biden's credible sexual assault allegations, I am aware and understand. I am not telling anyone how to vote. I am not interested in further debating this on this platform. I am curious who has really laid out this argument concisely, please link it.
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