WHAT WE AMERICANS NEED MOST FROM OUR POLITICAL LEADERS AND MEDIA IS TRUTH. We are intelligent enough to follow reasonable guidelines. If you are health/immune compromised, stay home take appropriate protection - YOU SHOULDNT NEED GOV’T. to tell you that you HAVE TO. GET REAL!!!
And by TRUTH, I don’t want/mean someone’s tainted/interpreted version of truth but the unvarnished truth. Too many say they seek truth but they want to put their own spin on it. Not a new phenomenon; it goes back to the Protestant reformation & beyond. Think & investigate!!!
1. With criticisms of Trump re: hydroxychloroquine w/azithromycin, it has occurred to me that those people doing so are either leftists and/or fans of the NWO.
2. If you look at the Soros, Gates (population control vaccine) Dr Fauci plus others you will find them aligned with the left and NWO. Dr. Fauci’s & Gate’s approach is to prolong the nations lockdown.
3. There are a number of doctors who don’t agree with this approach but take a more targeted approach. The sooner we open society, the sooner the “herd immunity” will occur. Treat people as adults and let those whose immunity is compromised separate themselves.
4. To continue the highly restrictive policies will in the long term do great damage. The left is using this virus to demonstrate how far they can go in controlling. Are there risks? Of course; we take risks every day that we step out of our homes.
You can follow @JuliusMaresh.
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