The other night when I came out the shower, I looked in the mirror and saw a person other than me in it lolz. I actually hate it here. It was literally two seconds and then they went away, but I was so in shock I didn’t even really look at em.
As y’all know from here, I’ve interacted with spirits many times before but it’s always been like orbs moving about a room, a dark figure I pretended not to see, or a dream conversation in that middle area of sleep and lucidity. It’s usually that last thing though.
There’s no point to this thread. Really it’s just to say I hate being a vessel for spirits to communicate through and I hate that it’s getting stronger. If I ever see a person materialized in front of me that is not alive, I will actually have a heart attack and join them.
On top of all of this, I genuinely think someone died in my room and I’ve always said that. When we moved in, all the guys stuff was still here. My landlord said he got deported but hmmm.
Our tub is stained red on the bottom. My dad says that happens when hot water hits the floor but hmmmm. Also there’s some blood drops on the ceiling above my bed. I know they’re not from me so where they come from? My landlord is also really sketchy. I do not like him.
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