People need to realise RPF/Real person ff has serious repercussions to the life of the actors. This isn’t the actors being squicked, it's about lack of consent and that you can actually damage relationships and future careers (thread)
Michelle has repeatedly asked you don’t write rpf of the actors, and Maximilian has ALSO asked. They aren't consenting to their actual real life identities being depicted this way. Sure, you can go ahead and do it anyway they can’t physically stop you,
but you are BREACHING their consent, in a romantic or sexual manner. It’s pretty fucking serious.

When you continuously do this, Maximilian and Chris will have to begin not being seen together on streams, not being seen together irl, not commenting on each others posts etc.
You are putting a real life barrier between two close friends, who if they start to be seen together, get sexualised. I thought you liked these people? Why would you want this to happen to them?
Next, i want to tackle personal relationships. Some of these actors are married with children, some of them have relationships, and they have to see their SO being romantically and sexually depicted with a coworker. You are putting relationships under strain by doing this.
And lastly i want to address the fact you are damaging their career prospects. We love these actors, but please don’t forget that they are not mainstream famous. Say Maximilian has auditioned for a part in a production, he does great and it’s between him and one other person.
They google Maximilian’s name and up pops a bunch of X-rated fiction and art about him and Chris, but the other actor does not have pornographic content made about them. Who do you think they’re going to choose?
Do you think they’re going to allow Maximilian to explain the situation or do you think they’ll just say, yikes, and go with the other actor?
I am NOT the person having RPF written about me and so i’m sure there are other many nuanced reasons as well. But at the end of the day, you have been asked not to write it, and you’ve written it anyway. Expect people to get fucking angry at you.
You aren’t being asked to not write RPF because it makes them uncomfy, you’re being asked not to write it because it is a breach of consent and it MAY have serious personal and professional consequences.
What’s put online stays online, even if you delete it. Cut it out, stop writing RPF, everyone has asked nicely enough and now we’re getting angry
Thanks for coming to my fucking ted talk
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