"female-centric character" is just a dog-whistle for both the sjw type of SW fan and the incel type. it’s just prodding them to fight and generate publicity.
Both of these groups get pretty idiotic in the way they lose sight of what’s important, imo. Considering Disney's record of difficulty in creating well-rounded SW characters, let alone good female characters, the better questions to ask are:
1. Whether they're creating a new character,
(likely to be trash considering their track record)

2. or using an established Lucas character,
(which I'm hoping for)

3. or reviving some Legends character.
(like they did with Thrawn in Rebels)
option (1): a New Character, a False Hope

The mistake Disney has made with the franchise is randomly selecting ‘talent’ to write and direct new stories. But you can’t just throw in a good director -who may or may not be a casual fan- and expect them to do the SW universe justice
The resulting work will just end up painful for everyone involved, like we've already seen happen.
I feel bad for the actors who played Rose and Holdo – they didn't deserve to play those horrifically written Disney characters, nor to bear the brunt of fan backlash against bad characters with bad motivations in a bad script.
And this isn’t just confined to the female characters - I similarly feel bad for John Boyega, whose character faced the same issues. DoA, all of it.
This difficulty has most likely got to do with how large and well-established the SW universe is; and how making a story without intimate prior knowledge of the material immediately shows up as the half-baked attempt it is.
For example, the only reason people don’t like Rey is because she’s basically written as a Mary-Sue rather than a real character. It’s immature and frankly, pretty cringe writing. Even Anakin had his weak moments, but Rey doesn’t really have any of consequence.
Her character does a disservice to all the female characters in Star Wars, who are allowed to be real, unique and flawed — just like the male and even the nb droid characters.

Women deserve to be written well!
Also, directors probably have better things to do with their time than take, like, a year off to immerse themselves in a whole fictional universe just to inform one work.
Filoni and Favreau are good because they are superfans first and great directors/writers second, which is the approach they take in their work.

And it shows!!! People can tell the difference, and fans don't like being treated like they're idiots.
That's why the Mandalorian is an exception to the Disney rule, only because Filoni and Favreau are involved; they are good at this job because they know the lore and rules of the world they're working with. But this new thing ain't got either of them.
The only semi-independent female Disney SW character I've liked to date is Qi'ra, from Solo.

She's 🤩💯 that bitch omg I love her
Seriously, Solo is such an underrated movie?? It's really very good. Probably because Lucas himself picked the writers. I'm glad Disney decided to produce it.
Option (2) fleshing out an existing character.

Rook Kast, Numa, Aurra Sing, Aayla Secura, and Sugi are all examples of incredible, diverse female characters whose backstories we haven't seen or could do with seeing more of.
Personally, I would love to see Sugi and her band of bounty-hunters (+Embo!!! my fave) shooting their way across the galaxy.
^I've left out Ahsoka, Hera Syndulla, Bo-Katan Kryze, Sabine Wren and Ventress there because we've already seen quite a bit of their stories by this point. Also, Ahsoka is already returning in Mandalorian S2.
Option (3) Legends

Honestly, I don't know enough Legends to think of who they might poach. So I can't really comment on this, but it'll still probably be better than option (1), going by the success of Thrawn.
Russian Doll is a great show. I'm not worried that these new showrunners can't create a compelling female character. I'm pretty sure they can.

But can they create a compelling female character *for Star Wars*? Someone who actually *fits* in the universe?
That's the question people should be asking. I understand wanting more female representation in media, especially in epic adventures. I love this genre so much, and I want it to reflect people who look like me.

But never, ever at the cost of ruining an established universe!
It just ruins the experience for everyone, and cheapens all the work that went into it before. It's rude.🤷🏽‍♀️
It’s trampling over the iconography and memories that so many people hold dear and I don’t see any reason that could justify that disrespect.
We can always make new worlds, to tell new stories! Female characters deserve to be written well and realistically!! smh. end thread.
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