It might sound like some silly boardroom intrigue, but the consequences of the 15 biggest Championship clubs leaving the EFL would likely be the collapse of the rest of the league and the financial ruin of many clubs.
If a NED was involved in encouraging such a breakaway, as the article suggests, they would be working against the best interests of the majority of the EFL clubs. Clubs who were paying them to exercise their dispassionate judgment.
It is, therefore, an extremely serious allegation of malpractice. It also reflects very badly on the EFL if, as it seems, they believed the allegation to be true but allowed Watmore to resign. If the EFL had evidence of misconduct, it should've taken disciplinary action.
And, if you were the owner of a club already struggling but now facing a crisis, what faith at all - after all that's happened over the last few years - could you possibly have in the EFL's ability to lead the reformation of football and help secure your club's future?
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