The pivotal beating my older daughter got. She decided she wanted to learn to swim. I can swim minimally but didnt know enough to teach. Took her to the pool a few times & met a coach who wa steal hing some of her friends. When I asked how much, was expensive but I said maybe
Got the money together and paid & got to 1st lesson & this child started crying that she could not do it. What?!%@$!!!
I thought she was having me on oh! Talked, hugged & all! Mba! See as I was watching my money dissolving in the pool? Na so I near am, tear am slap.
She immediately got in the pool and lesson went well. God punish the spirit of fear. Does she swim well today? No? But does she ever make choices based on fear? Not really! She thinks about that slap & how it helped her overcome the fear & does what she has to do.
And most interestingly, she shares this story with her friends when they are afraid & gives me feedback. Something to be said for brain resetting slaps oh! Dont knock it till you've tried it!
*was teaching
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