Also, gotta say, as much as I appreciate Barret's staunch ideals, I DID appreciate Cloud straight-up calling him on the fact that yes, Mako energy HAS made many ordinary people's lives better - Barret really needs to have an "and now what"

(very minor background/narrative spoilers from this point on, mute this thread if you want to avoid them!)
The explicit acknowledgment that (is believed to have) Ancient civilization *ran off Mako*, and it is by tying in Gaian eschatologic beliefs abt their vanished utopian magic-powered society that Shinra's attracts rank-and-file believers, is a MAJOR worldbuilding hole plugged.
It in particular helps with Reeve, who I believe is canonically one of the pioneers of Mako reactors(?) and is genuinely dedicated to helping people.

And seeing as in the Compilation era Gaia didn't embrace pastoral anprimitivism, Barret clearly doesn't hate all *technology*...
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