3. Yet the COVID app, which began with asking for 'sex at birth' quickly bowed to pressure from TRAs and changed the wording to 'sex assigned at birth', adding some confusion to what is a simple question. (For the hard of understanding, sex is not routinely 'assigned' at birth,
4. it is determined at conception and observed and recorded at or before birth. It is immutable.)
We then see that a question about 'what gender do you identify as'' was added. This serves no purpose, yet when women questioned it, the app developers told them various things;
5. via emails and tweets they waffled about 'hormones'. Yet there are no questions asking women about hormonal contraception or HRT. So that wasn't an excuse. They also said it was to align with the USA. Despite further tweets and emails asking for clarification they then
6. just stopped responding at all. (Because, y'know, women, just being annoying aren't we, when we want to know the relevance of questions in what is supposed to be a scientific study.). Well, researchers, most people do not 'identify' with a gender. They just have a SEX.
7. So why add meaningless questions that will have no bearing on whether someone catches COVID.
This virus affects more MEN than women, and it does not care how they identify or what they wear or what they call themselves. Stop pandering to nonsense,
8. you have caused hundreds of people to delete this app with your ridiculous pandering to the feelings of men's rights activists and misogynists.
The NHS also collect 'current gender' data which was never intended to override their sex data. But it did. It does.
9. Scratch the surface of any 'sex' data analysis produced by the NHS, and you discover it's all about identity, not actual biology.
If you don't want to risk your statistics being corrupted by immaterial, delusional, imaginary nonsense that allows males to be recorded as female
10. and vice versa, then don't offer to collect that imaginary nonsense in the first place.
We will not accept 'gender identity' being framed as a relevant marker as part of a scientific study like this.
It's political and has no place in any of it. It also promotes
11. the assumption that everyone has a gender identity and we will never support that. It is about as useful as asking what our favourite colour is.
What if you asked people their age, and then asked what age they 'identify with'? See how ridiculous it is?
12. It is this kind of rank stupidity that has allowed data collection of 'female' data that knowingly includes males in the last couple of decades. It has irretrievably corrupted every important population level data analysis we have as a country.
13. But to continue to do this, eyes wide open, in the midst of a once in a century pandemic?

This is insanely dangerous right now.

We know why they changed it; the usual suspects were triggered. Those of us fighting to protect the rights of women and girls know these people.
14. We decline to participate in a public health data gathering exercise which gathers 'gender identity' information, even if this was intended to be a false front and the data intended to be ignored.
15. The risk of outcomes being reported as "women were x% less likely" or "it was found that men..." and no certainty that this wasn't 'identity' data used in place of sex data is just far too great.
#SexMatters #ThisIsNotADrill
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