It is the birthday of an old friend, a retired best friend, a woman possessing hips that spread as far as river nile and breasts that tumble out from your cupped palms. A thread.
She is a truly selfless person, keen on self-discovery and friendships. Also, she is the person I have fought with the most. Sometimes I don't like her very much, but all the time I love her, in the enveloping way you love a person you share blood ties with.
She is also the only one, from my impressive portfolio of best friends, that I asked officially, on the tarred road of a Federal Girls' school, "Will you be my best friend?" And she took that role pretty seriously, all of which culminated in memories that..
...a twitter thread won't hold. She, a God-loving radical with strong opinions, which I also happen to have, fierce loyalty, a culinary streak, skilled in unsolicited bear hugs and talking non-stop for hours on end, relentlessly expressive...
...She is something, that girl. So, today, with everything happening in our world, the only thing that sticks is that it is her birthday. Happy Birthday @Priye___ . It is your #23rdApril to do as you please. I love you big.
So. Much. Big.
You can follow @nenyeuwa.
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