In today's installment of the deranged British media we have @suzanne_moore of The Guardian releasing one of the more poorly argued opinion pieces I have come across in a long time. Why? Because there is a fake reasonableness to it that is even more dangerous than the usual bile
that comes of the mouth of tabloid reporters. It pretends to understand the abuse the Sussexes endured--it doesn't. Because if it did understand the racism/sexism/xenophobia/classism involved this piece would have never been written. It's basically a lot of words to make a
ridiculous timing argument: the Sussexes are correct but not now. Yet it completely fails to mention that the tabloids have not stopped their crusade despite COVID-19. On some of the worst days of the crisis the tabloids are still using them on covers and lying about them or the
litigation. This is why I say that I'm no longer excusing the Brits for their tabloids. Ultimately they will excuse the most horrible behavior on their part and believe the gist of the story. So despite all of the numerous lies that have been told @suzanne_moore still believes
the hype. That the Sussexes partly brought this all on themselves, that all they want is fame and power, and that one can only live in their hometown of LA because they want glitz and glamor. Do not buy any of this poorly argued trash just because it appeared in The Guardian. To
the contrary, be even more upset that someone appearing in a proper journalistic enterprise did not see the thousands of holes in their poor argumentation. Thank you @suzanne_moore for defending horrendous treatment of human being and then blaming the victims.
Addendum: One gets the feeling that like stunted adults, a lot of Brits do not know how to say they miss someone or that they're sorry something could not work out. They can only lash out and scapegoat the victims for leaving them. It's amazing to watch this on a national scale.
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