The few nursing homes in Lombardy that disobeyed the orders of the regional government avoided a tragedy. Those that followed them, survived.

Is it necessary to relay on managers who know when to disobey?

(thread, 1/N)
2/ Regulations & regulators don't have to be so poor that, in case of emergency, they will be excessively reactive, making us rely on the hope that local managers are brave and proactive enough to do the right thing.

Emergency preparations can be made before the emergency starts
3/ I suspect that there were many nursing home managers (but not all) who sensed the risk but decided to follow the status quo, because there are risks in straying away from it.

The status quo doesn't have to be static, though.
4/ I recently wrote a short essay on CIRCUIT BREAKERS, alternative regulations which can be written in times of peace and *automatically* kick in to modify the status quo, so that bottom-up proactive action can be deployed locally without encumbrances.
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