Ryen doesn’t like to eat fish that much bc he’s scared he might have fish bones stuck on his throat. One day, his Mom cooked fried fish and told me he wouldn’t eat. (1/n)
I felt bad bc we didn’t eat at all for that day yet. So I started deboning the fish for him to eat and guess who ate a lot? Lol! Then the following day, his Mom called us out to eat and he told us he’s not gonna eat bc he’s not hungry.. (2/n)
Again, what I did was literally had to spoon feed the ass until he was full- in front of his Mom! 😬🤦🏻‍♀️ Hahah! Ohhh this guy and his eating habbits. 😌 I ain’t complaining thooo. I like serving him. 🥰

-end of thread- 🤪
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