The author seems to forget that pubs serve soft drinks.

That alcohol free drinks were on the rise before lockdown (I don't know how they're doing now).

That @BrewDog had opened an alcohol free bar.

The benefits pubs have to the vulnerable and lonely.

And the range of services they provide to those who dont live in cities with millions of other service providers.

When these are pointed out, she hides behind "word count" and the sub-editor, instead of re-writing to get her point across more clearly.

Its OK to not like alcohol, not an issue with that.

But pulling down pubs instead of talking up the non-alcoholic options?

That I detest.

Cheap shots instead of simply making sure the sentence "I don't want pubs to stay closed, I want more alternative social venues"

Its not that I simply disagree with the author.

It's poorly written as it doesn't get her point across (judging by her responses to some comments).

And it comes across as someone who doesn't like how people spend their leisure time, so attacks it.

But hey, it got the clicks and the engagement, and thats all that matters in this world of social media?

Not quality content, but something that generates a reaction for ad revenue.

Usually generating negative reactions as that's powerful emotions.

And in that case its done its job.

I clicked.

I saw (and ignored) the million crap, irrelevant ads on that page.

I engaged and retweeted.

Which makes me part of the problem.

👆This is why I try not to come on Twitter anymore.

(End thread)
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