Have a sit down and grab a cup of tea. We’ve got a lot to say.

There’s a global pandemic and that still doesn’t stop The Times from publishing 3 articles about trans kids. The Telegraph has also chipped in with a factually inaccurate article (more on that later). (1/n)
We’ve scouted all the papers but haven’t found any articles about the fact that waiting times for access to transition related care are going to be even longer (even longer than the current 1-4 year wait), (2/n)
no articles about trans people struggling to access their regular hormone treatment, no articles about trans people who have no choice but to social distance in an unsupportive home environment (3/n)
and no articles about those trans people who are homeless as a consequence of transphobia and are therefore at greater risk of Covid-19. No word from the government on those things either. (4/n)
We’ve not focussed a huge deal of energy on highlighting the waiting list issue because we recognise there’s a pandemic and that there’s a need for us to come together as a community to keep each other going, to stay positive and to share self-care tips. (5/n)
The government need to be focussing on addressing things like PPE and financial support for people who can’t work. And we’d have thought Liz Truss would be looking into the unequal impact of Covid-19. (6/n)
So we were surprised to see Liz Truss choosing to talk about single-sex spaces and trans children and young people’s access to transition related support. Mention of GRA reform was welcome, but again unexpected given current circumstances. (7/n)
But let’s look at what the Times are talking about, let’s look at what Liz Truss was alluding to and while we’re at it let’s talk about the fact that there are people campaigning against the support that schools offer to trans children and young people. (8/n)
Trans people, including trans kids, have been using single sex facilities in line with our sex/gender identities for decades and the Equality Act (2010), which has been in place for A DECADE, states that trans people are legally entitled to do so. (9/n)
The Gender Recognition Act, the Equality Act and trans children and young people’s access to support from GIDS are completely unrelated. (10/n)
You don’t need a Gender Recognition Certificate to be protected by the Equality Act. The sex based exceptions to the Equality Act (applicable on a case by case basis and must be proportionate and justifiable) apply regardless of whether a trans person has a GRC or not. (11/n)
You don’t need a GRC to access transition related care. Fortunately really because under 18s and non-binary people have absolutely no access to legal gender recognition in the UK. Those trans people that are eligible to apply have to provide 2 medical reports. (12/n)
Now let’s talk about support for trans kids:
There are people IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC who are campaigning against local authority guidance which is designed to minimise risk of self-harm and suicide. (13/n)
There are also people who wish to prevent trans children and young people from accessing access to medication that could improve their well-being and mental health outcomes throughout their entire lives. (14/n)
So let’s look at some things that you won’t find mentioned in The Times. You won’t find them in The Mail. And you probably won’t find them in The Guardian either. (15/n)
Trans children and young people are entitled to be taken seriously and treated with respect. It’s a basic human right. Article 12 of the UN rights of the child states that (20/n)
“Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.”
Principle 16 of the Yogyakarta Principles states that “States shall ensure inclusion of comprehensive, affirmative and accurate material on sexual, biological, physical & psychological diversity, & the human rights of people of diverse sexual orientations, gender identities(22/n)
...gender expressions and sex characteristics, in curricula, taking into consideration the evolving capacity of the child.” In other words, children and young people should learn about L, G, B, and T people and LGBT identities in school.
Despite these statements on human rights, despite the research that a supportive environment could save a young trans person’s life, the rights of trans children and young people are under threat. It’s shameful. (24/n)
Any withdrawal of trans children and young people’s rights to access gender affirming care (ie hormone blockers and potentially cross sex hormones at 16) has the potential to impact cisgender children and young people too. Especially cisgender girls and young women. (25/n)
Threat continued here: https://twitter.com/TransActualUK/status/1253226183828922369
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