My father has never laid hands on me, that made our relationship a very strong one.
His words are so calming that you’ll dread the calm scolding he’ll give you, he’ll sit you down and talk sense into your head, i promise you’ll leave the place a changed person.
Never heard him cuss too, this is a man that grew up in the cuss capital of the north, Katsina😂
Some parents are just blessed with the ability to handle issues in calm ways, he’s so calm that if you mess up you’ll only be worried about how disappointed he’d be, the person that’s gonna get physical with u is even a lesser problem.
So when i talk about beating my son, i feel like its an impossible task cause i’ll definitely see me in him and i’ll remember how my own father handled me.
It’ll be absolutely unfair to treat my son how my father did not treat me.
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