In this thread, I am going to provide a guide through this pandemic lockdown/quarantine.

The Covid-19/Coronavirus Survival Guide!

1. Buy food in BULK! This means you have extra food and saves having to go out more often.

2. Freeze perishables NOT in use!

2. (Continued) Freeze perishables NOT in use! This allows you to have the extra food and not run out because of expiry.

3. Tinned and Frozen foids are essential! This means that you have extra food that will not spoil over short periods of time.

4. Do not touch products that others have touched! This can be an easy way to spread the virus if you touch something someone else has. Important while shoping!

5. Have your windows open. If your house gets dusty or if their air becones stale, it can affect your health.

6. Check your expiry dates on food, and throw away anything close to, or past expiry date. This will save you a lot of hassle and stop anyone getting sick.

7. Home delivery is always an option! Shopping online and home dekivery can help during this global crisis.

I hope that this thread has helped anyone struggling with our current Covid-19 crisis and anyone stuck in isolation. I am not telling anyone what to do, but this is a rough guide on useful tips to help you.

Thank you for reading. Please share this!

Stay safe!

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