#lockdownuk Of course compliance is going to reduce the longer it goes on, and if you think this is because people are 'selfish' and 'stupid' then you are a smug idiot. Those who have already had over a decade of being treated like shit by the authorities will only buy the
'all in this together' line for so long - if they did in the first place. One of the things that will start bringing people out of their homes is *hunger*. There are hundreds of thousands who have had no income for a month and food banks are running short of money and supplies.
People may start appealing to friends and family members for food or money or both. There's also that little matter of all the bawling and scaremongering losing its power the more it goes on and the more contradictory information is thrown around. This virus is the most lethal
thing ever, yet lots of people have had it without even noticing? Everyone's had it yet hardly anyone's had it? People who (rightly) have little or no trust in Fucko the Clown and his cabinet of liars, morons and bullies will start deciding that if we are all doomed, they will
take their chances and see their friends and families before they die, rather than spending what's left of their time huddled fearfully indoors while the Government dicks around and bullshits them.
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