If you pay 21k USD as fees and your kid fails, I strongly believe that beating is NOT the solution. You need to go to the school and find out what the problem is or scatter everywhere. You also need to take a trip with him, have a heart to heart. From there you’ll know if he ...
...needs therapy, extra lesson teachers, deliverance, a different school, all his enjoyment privileges revoked, relocation (read wicked uncle), etc. You’ll also know if he’s interested in non-school things like music, sports, etc. Then make him a deal to fund it after a milestone
Parenting is not an exact science. There’s no certain method to it. Hard for others, simple for some. Trial & Insha Allah. But what I think is, if you give it plenty objective thought, and still decide beating is the solution to a problem, oh well, na your pikin. May we born well
I’ve spoken generally. Now, to this family in question.

21k fees means the school’s standards should be top notch.

Meaning you can’t wait till results to tell me my son was absent on some exams? How does that even make sense? Who did you report to? That school better lawyer up.
Also, the man said “sent money”, so the assumption is he’s stationed elsewhere. Another assumption is the wife is the one at home. If both assumptions are correct, then there is dysfunction from the top. What has the wife been doing? How did this happen under her watch?
See, there’s so many people to blame, before the boy. And while I understand the pain that made the man slap his son (where I’m from, he did not even beat him), many of us are learning everyday to find solutions that do not involve violence. Violence is easy. Creativity is not.
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