So- this sewing machine that my mother in law gave me- it’s actually pretty high tech. It can be programmed to do different embroidery designs, it can see buttons for that kind of work, it can do some pretty AWESOME and advanced things.
But here’s where it gets REALLY mindblowing- it’s EASY. You don’t have to search to find out how to do things. It’s all labeled clearly and rather self explanatory, and it’s NOT connected to the internet- but has space for a memory card to upload embroidery data.
So, why is it that sewing machine makers have managed to do something that SO MANY GIGANTIC companies can’t- by understanding their audience?
If a user doesn’t understand how to actually USE a device or program- it’s useless.
If they don’t know how to secure it because these things aren’t easily explained to them- we see things like cameras being hacked, and data being leaked.
Because no one is bothering to simplify it.
Everyone wants to blame the users- but we’re expecting fish to climb trees?
We’re giving grandmas iPhones and Social Media, without teaching them how to use a passcode to unlock the phone or teaching them about 2fa or common phishing scams. We’re putting EVERYTHING on IOT networks, without requiring users to secure it.
Hell, I have a printer that I never use because I DONT KNOW HOW TO CHANGE ITS PASSWORD, and it won’t print anything unless I connect it to my network (also, I’m out of yellow ink, which I don’t even NEED to print out black and white stuff, but I digress.)
Yet, sewing machine manufacturers know we don’t need IOT. We don’t need a touchscreen interface with “freemium” embroidery apps. We need to sew, fill a bobbin, and add a button and replace broken needles and go backwards sometimes- which IS intimidating on a new machine.
And so, they teach us, in easy ways.
I’m not technical (see printer tweet), but I’m confident that if this machine breaks, it will teach me how to start fixing it. It will do EVERYTHING I need it to, with room to learn more.

We should get back to THAT.
Also- side note- anyone else curse printers when you can’t print a black and white one sheet because you’re low on yellow ink?? Makes me miss my old matrix printer. Those things didn’t give a FUCK, they would print the lightest book report ever with one drop of ink.
And I’m not longing for a less tech filled world, but I’m longing for the days when users understood how things worked, because companies wanted them to USE their products instead of just buying them
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